The Top Reason Why Self-Management Could Make or Break Your Career in the New World of Work

We shared a post at the end of 2021 with our predictions of what changes we’d experience as the pandemic waned. In reality, today, all of those changes have rung true. Teams are adopting hybrid work scenarios. The Great Resignation has employees leaving in droves to find deeper meaning in their work. Automation and tech are a significant focus for many teams struggling with short staffing. Beyond these changes, we’ve seen huge cultural shifts to embrace wellness and DEI, flexible work schedules are the new norm, and a priority is being placed on continuous learning.

So, how are these changes playing into what employers are looking for and how individuals are managing their careers? Let’s take a look.

4 of the Top Skills Employers Are Searching for in 2022

Companies everywhere are seeking new talent, with over 10 million open roles consistently in 2022. Here’s what they’re searching for in candidates:

Time Management

Employers want team members who are able to meet deadlines, produce more quickly without sacrificing work quality, show up on time, avoid procrastination, etc. All these are tied to being able to manage your priorities and time effectively.

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is being able to take everything in life, especially the challenges, as a learning opportunity. Those who are able to self-manage don’t internalize feedback. They appreciate it as a way to grow.

Emotional Intelligence

Those who are able to understand and control their emotions are more likely to be empathetic to others’ emotions as well. This is a key skill for effective management and can lead to promotions!


The Great Resignation has teams searching for employees who are loyal and dependable. Those who are self-aware and able to self-manage typically won’t take on projects or roles they don’t want or can’t see through to the finish line.

So, what do all these skills have in common? (We’ve hinted at it already).

They are all integral to effective self-management.

For this reason, if you’re not working on your ability to self-manage daily, you could be losing out on promotions or dream roles to those who are doing the work to develop this incomparably valuable skill.

If You Need Help Building Self-Management Skills for the New World of Work, NimblyWise Can Help

If you’re struggling to adapt to the new world of work as the pandemic wanes and organizations are restructuring left and right — you’re not alone. The best thing to do is invest in yourself. One way to do this is through personalized coaching that will allow you to work one-on-one with a career coach who can help you identify the mental blocks and skill gaps that are getting in your way to a successful career. Let’s chat about how!