The Beginning of NimblyWise
Before starting NimblyWise, Sweet served as the CEO and Ortins as the Director of HR for Credo Reference, a leading research platform. During their time on the executive team together they worked directly with hundreds of employees, from interview to exit and everything in between. Over time, they witnessed how people learned and where skill gaps were, in terms of new hires, individual contributors, and recent graduate talent. Together, they developed strategies to help engage their employees, create a desirable company culture, and overcome the skills gaps and obstacles hindering company growth.The result?
This is one of the reasons that has driven them both to be so passionate about employee engagement, practical training opportunities, and creating a positive culture that values every employee’s contributions. Ultimately, it’s one of the things that inspired them to start NimblyWise when Credo was sold a few years ago.
Sweet and Ortins saw that one of the main issues they encountered was that young professionals weren’t adequately prepared for the world of work. And they knew that channeling their experience and speaking with experts, they could design the solution.
Research-Based, Expert-Led Programs That Provide Results
To build a training program designed to help employees develop soft skills that they lacked when they were hired, Sweet and Ortins spoke with the experts and conducted extensive research. They worked with the best of the best, a team of experts in both business and psychology, including individuals with Ph.D.s in developmental psychology and psychological testing, to develop an assessment and training program based upon real learning frameworks for success.
The result?
Research-based programs informed by business and education experts who understand the skills required to navigate and thrive in the ever-changing world of work.
One of the key features of the program is the coaching aspect. Research shows that the “forgetting curve” is real. That if you don’t practice a skill or newly learned piece of information, you’ll lose 75% of it within a week. So, where traditional training programs have you check the box off a module when you finish, never to visit it again, the NimblyWise program involves expert coaches to ensure participants are implementing what they learn.
Sweet and Ortins brought on expert coach Suzanne Blake to lead this component of the NimblyWise training program to ensure program success. Blake is an award-winning executive and career coach who has trained employees at all levels in both large and small organizations. She has worked in the corporate world, so she’s able to understand the intricacies and inspire her coaches to do the same to truly understand each participant.
This approach provides a level of support and guidance that other training programs lack, which helps lead to long-term growth and success for all participants.
Discover How NimblyWise is Pioneering a New Age of Education
Want to learn more about the NimblyWise story and how our training programs are different than the rest? Contact us for a free consultation with Sweet himself, to discover how NimblyWise’s training programs can help your team level up.