The Career Builder’s Podcast provides unique insight for 20- and 30-something career-driven professionals navigating how to grow into themselves while leveling up in their professional life. From embracing your identity in the workplace to intentionally capturing growth opportunities to mental health at work—they talk about everything impacting today’s Generation Z and Millennial workforce.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect from my conversation with hosts Mike Bird and Lisa Plain. But I’m not sharing everything here, please have a listen for more insight into the world of work!
From Checkers to Chess: The World of Work Transition
The Career Builder’s Podcast aims to touch upon all the intricacies of building a successful career. One factor that greatly impacts career trajectory is one that isn’t talked about often enough, but something NimblyWise is aiming to change. That’s the transition from college to career. At NimblyWise, we often say that this transition is like moving from playing checkers to entering a chess tournament. Checkers is fairly basic, predictable, reactionary—you only have so many moves. In contrast, chess, like the world of work, is intricate, complex, and requires strategic and creative critical thinking to determine the best outcomes.Just as there are many tips and techniques that can help one overcome a chess learning curve quickly, there are many approaches that can help accelerate your career know-how and success.
Why don’t we do more to intentionally help young professionals understand how to play the game of work?
Young employees are expected to come in, hit the ground running, see the big picture, and perform at high levels—when the reality is most aren’t ready to hit that high bar of performance. They have much to learn and many skills to cultivate that weren’t taught in school.
It’s easy for those later in their career, at the management level, to forget what it’s like to be a young professional. Honestly, most probably block that phase of life out of their memory for the sheer discomfort and vulnerability felt.
The plus is, it doesn’t have to be this way and NimblyWise is working on coming up with solutions. Now, if you want to learn how to combat this both as a young professional navigating it yourself and a manager looking to help your team grow and build, please give the podcast a listen.
Learn More About NimblyWise on The Career Builder’s Podcast Today!
On the podcast, I share more about my personal career journey, our inspiration for NimblyWise programs, and tips and tricks for both young professionals navigating the world of work, as well as managers welcoming new talent to their team. Listen to the episode, Accelerating Career Success with Mike Sweet today! Plus, this is just the first of a series of four blogs we’re going to publish stemming from topics I cover on the podcast—stay tuned for more.
If you find NimblyWise’s unique e-learning and coaching program of interest, schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation call with me to discuss how it may work for you and or your team.