User Types and Roles

NimblyWise has the following user types and roles available:

Student Role:

Learner: This is the default student enrollment state. Students can access the course content and the My Skills report. All learner activity and performance is tracked in Insights. Students cannot access the editing component of Studio or see other learner’s performance data.

Instructor Roles:

Admin: The admin role is typically the role given to the principal administrator of your NimblyWise account. Admin accounts have access to everything within the NimblyWise platform. Admins are able to access any courses and any student performance within their organization.

Staff: The staff role has editing permissions and access to the content in which they are enrolled. Staff accounts can edit content in their courses and see performance for their students but cannot edit or see content/performance data in other courses.

LMS Instructor: The staff role has editing permissions and access to the content in which they are enrolled. Staff accounts can edit content in their courses and see performance for their students but cannot edit or see content/performance data in other courses. LMS Instructor accounts do not have access to the Tools menu to import or export content.

Beta Tester: Beta tester roles have the same view as students: They can see the course content and access the My Skills report. Beta testers cannot access the editing component of Studio or see other learner data. The beta tester role is for instructors who need to just review content without impacting the overall student performance data.

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