Submit Button Not Working

Question: Help! My submit button is not working when I try to submit a question. It either hangs, is greyed out, or I get an error message that says “We’re having trouble processing your request.”

Answer: This typically happens when the internet connection that you are on has restrictive firewall policies in place (e.g. at work or on a government or military connection). 

Please try the following:

  • Connect to a different internet, such as home, school, or a library connection
  • Ask your IT team to add this URL to the safe list:
  • Disable browser extensions and plugins
  • Clear your browser cache and then refresh the page
  • Check your browser settings to ensure it is not blocking first party or third party cookies. This security setting could prevent the use of all or parts of the course depending on which cookies are being blocked
  • Safari-specific: Check your browser settings to ensure that you have unchecked “Do Not Track Me”

If you still have issues, please contact your instructor.

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