Options for Narrowing Assessment Data

You can compare assessment results by any other filter included in the assessment report: Course, Term, or Learners.

Click on the “Compare by” dropdown menu on the left side to change from the default “…” to your desired filter. Some common comparisons include: 

  • Compare by Term – allows you to see how performance on assessments changes over time
  • Compare by Course – allows you to see how different classes performed on assessments
  • Compare by Learner – allows you to compare individual student performance over a period of time.
    • Pro Tip: you may need to select a specific course from the Course filter first, to avoid there being too much data to visualize – see section below for Options for Narrowing Data

Options for Narrowing Data

You can narrow your data selections by clicking on the dropdown under each filter on the left side of the screen and checking boxes for specific options underneath the Courses, Assessments, Learners, and Terms filters. This is helpful especially if you receive a message stating that “there is too much data to visualize” – because the combinations of filters and View by/Compare by options are preventing your chart from displaying. 

Simply check the box for data you wish to select under each filter. Once a box is checked, only that data will display in the bar chart. 

Some examples where this might be useful include: 

  • View by Assessment, Compare by Courses filter narrowed to a specific class – to show how students in one course performed on assessments
  • View by Assessment, Compare by Courses, with Term narrowed to a specific semester – to show how courses in Fall semester compare on assessment performance

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