Engagement Report Overview

Engagement Reports will answer the following questions:

  • What are Engagement Reports?
  • How can you generate Engagement Reports?
  • How are students counted in the Engagement Report? 
  • What filters can you expect to see in an Engagement report?

The Engagement report is a usage report available for all NimblyWise customers. The primary usage statistic available is “number of sessions”, and you can use the Engagement report to track sessions across several levels of granularity.

A session begins when a user connects with the NimblyWise platform, either via direct link or via launching an LTI link. The session ends when the student logs out, for example by closing out their browser, clearing their cookies, or timing out.

To select a level of granularity, use the “Engagement by” drop-down menu on the Engagement support and choose one of these four options:

Engagement by Run: The number of sessions across your account — broken down by term or semester run.

Engagement by Course: the number of sessions across your account, broken down by course.

Note: If your institution is using an LTI integration, the course name will be synced to NimblyWise via LTI.

Engagement by Content Section: The number of sessions in which any item in each content section has been viewed, for example all sessions in which a user interacted with any material in a particular lesson or assessment.

Engagement by Content Subsection: The number of sessions in which each video, tutorial, and test/quiz in your account has been viewed.

After selecting an “Engagement by” option, you can also use “Compare by” to add a dimension of comparison to your report. You can also use the filter options in the left sidebar to narrow down your data to a specific content item, course, term, etc.

Note about unique users: In addition to “Number of Sessions”, you can also view data by “Number of Unique Users.” A student accessing via LTI is recognized as a returning user each time they access, and only counts as a unique user once. A student accessing via non-LTI authentication is counted as a unique user every time they begin a new session. To view reports on unique users rather than sessions, select this option from the “View by” drop down menu. When using one of the two “View by” options, the option not selected will still appear as a column in the output table beneath the bar graph.

Note about terms: The Terms filter originally reflected traditional semesters like Fall 2018, Spring 2019, etc. However, for greater flexibility, these terms have been replaced with calendar months, so that you can select the exact months that you wish to filter. When students are accessing via LTI integration, their session data will always be attributed to the month in which they opened their first session via LTI – the initial LTI launch creates a unique profile for the user associated with that month. Any sessions that originate via direct link will be attributed to the month in which the session took place.

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