Course filters:
- Any course set up in your LMS that uses an LTI integration to access Credo’s multimedia will appear in the Courses filter.
- Note: Filters for LMS-integrated Courses were established in March 2018. Before March 2018, the data from courses in your LMS will be displayed under one single credo course in Credo Insights. This affects both assessment and usage reports. Any course set up in your LMS that uses an LTI integration to access content will appear in the Courses filter.
- Any course, by title.
Learner filters:
- Students who take quizzes by accessing the multimedia via an LTI integration are identified in reports by their name, email, and course.
- Students who access via self-enrollment will be identified by their name and email, along with which course they enrolled in.
- Note: The anonymous student IDs created by the system if you’ve chosen to anonymise the data are suppressed from Insights filters. The data is still included in averages, but the randomized names and emails will not be available as filter options.