Blackboard Global Tool Set Up

You will need to have administrator access to your Blackboard for this part. If you do not, you will need to ask your Blackboard Admin to complete this part. For LTI integration, your Blackboard instance will need to be release 9.1 or later.  This step only needs to be done once and is a global setting. 

Step 1: Click on the System Administration in the top right corner. Once in the Administrator Panel, click on Building Blocks.

Step 2: Once in the Building Blocks section, click on LTI Tool Providers.

Step 2: Click on Manage Global Properties and ensure that your settings are as follows:

  • Enabled in courses: Yes
  • Enabled in organizations: Yes
  • Creation of tool provider links: Allow links to any tool provider that isn’t explicitly excluded.
  • Allow configured tool providers to post grades: Yes (this is important if you want the grades to automatically integrate with your Blackboard gradebook)

Step 3: Go back to the LTI Tool Provider section and click on Register Provider Domain. Under the Provider Domain Status section, fill in the fields as follows:

  • Provider domain:
  • Provider Domain Status: Approved

Step 4: Under the Default configuration section, fill in the fields as follows:

  • Default configuration: Set globally 
  • Tool provider key: this is given to you at your NimblyWise on boarding. If you have lost it, please contact NimblyWise support.
  • Tool provider secret: This is given to you at your NimblyWise on boarding. If you have lost it please contact NimblyWise support.

 Step 4: Under the Institution Policies section, here are the settings required:

  • Send User Data: Send user data only over SSL
  • User fields to send: Role in course, name, email address
  • Show user acknowledgement message: No
  • Click submit when you are done.

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