Courseware Addresses Key Needs at University of New Mexico

keyboard-e1442422606116“Students who find themselves swimming in the vast ocean of information while doing research are no longer lost at sea at UNM-LA,” begins a recent article in the Los Alamos Daily Post. The piece goes on to describe the University of New Mexico-Los Alamos’s commitment to information literacy instruction and library director Dennis Davies-Wilson’s use of Credo’s Courseware to improve learning outcomes.

Library Director Dennis Davies-Wilson won his university’s Faculty Initiative Award in 2009 for his efforts to create multimedia instructional materials. He is quoted as saying, “Credo’s product gives students a much broader and more thorough idea of information literacy concepts, with hands-on experience, than what I can teach in one face-to-face session and two videos.”

Colleges and universities use the courseware to meet accreditation requirements around information literacy and critical thinking skill standards. The consistent baseline instruction and authentic, self-directed assessment build measurable skills that will aid students well beyond  their academic careers.  Campuses utilizing the courseware have seen an average student improvement of 25%-30% in information literacy and critical thinking skills.

Learn more about Credo and the new Courseware.